
Благодарность от бывшей учительницы Светланы Леонидовны

“Мы живем, мы будем жить …” – Это слова бывшей учительницы Светланы Леонидовны. Ее квартира была уничтожена артиллерийским огнем. Сейчас она живет в доме своих родителей. Она благодарит всех людей, которые не оставляют одних таких людей, как она. Спасибо всем за участие!

Thanks from former teacher Svetlana

“Any way we will live, we won’t die…” – These are the words of former teacher Svetlana. Her apartment was destroyed by the shelling, now she lives in the house of her parents. She thanks all the people who don’t leave alone people like her. Thanks to all for participation!

Thanks from Lyubov

“I can’t pick the right words to thank you” – This is the second time we help her with coal. This year her health got worse. This is why this help to her was so much needed. Thanks to all for participation!

Coal for Alla Ivanovna

“…A little bit for food, a little bit for coal… that’s how I live, what can I do?” – this is Alla’s life. She is 79 and she is extremely thankful for the coal for this winter. Thanks to all for your help!

Coal for Antonina Iosifovna

Another lonely aged person was helped by you. This is the second winter you help this person to survive. Her monthly retirement payment is enough only to cover 1/5 of what we brought today. Thank you all for participation!

Saved eye sight for Natalia

Today was the last eye procedure for Natalia who all of you know. Her results are stable. Her eye sight is well. Isn’t it just great that there are people like you who helped her avoid blindness! Thank you all for participation!

Coal for Valentina

This is the second year that we deliver coal to Valentina. The coal itself is very expensive but what makes situation more difficult is that Valentina spends almost all her pension for the medicine. This coal was a huge help for her this year! Thanks to all for participation!