Wood for IDP family
Thank you for helping this IDP family with this wood. For them it’s huge help. Thank you all for your care.
Water filters
Today we have brought water filters to one of the orphanages in the city of Dnipro. And some other help. Thank you very much for your support.
Krasnohorivka March 2024
Today we have brought water to people of Krasnohorivka. As usual you can hear explosions while the water distribution goes on. Thank you all for your support.
Water to Krasnohorivka 04.03.24
Today was another trip to Krasnohorivka. Right after another shelling of the town has finished.
Water to Krasnohorivka during assault of the town
It’s been 3 days that russians assault the town of Krasnohorivka from South. Every time it’s harder and harder to get there to deliver aid. Today we delivered water. Thank you all for your help.
Water to Krasnohorivka during assault of the town
It’s been 3 days that russians assault the town of Krasnohorivka from South. Every time it’s harder and harder to get there to deliver aid. Today we delivered water. Thank you all for your help.