
Help to Raisa.

Raisa has major problems with her legs and her health generally. Today we have brought her medicine to help her to fight inflamation in her body and a washing machine. Thank you all for your care! Hopefully we will be able to bring her coal for this winter soon. Thank you!


Today we have brought some help to Raisa who lives with her son who had a stroke. Especially medicine was big relief for her. Thank you all for your care!

8 y.o. Polina.

Polina was born prematurely with the legs length difference. With her growing up this difference became larger. Then unfortunately she got infection to her leg because of which the operation on the leg couldn’t be done. Now, finally when the infection is gone she is ready for surgery and apparatus to stretch her shorter leg. …

8 y.o. Polina. Read More »

Food to kindergarden.

This time we helped to the kindergarden with food supply. Unfortunately because of the financial reorganization there was a gap in financing of the kindergarden (there’s a shift from municipality to district community). Therefore this kindergarden was found for several months without financing. We were glad to be able to buy vegetables for them. Thank …

Food to kindergarden. Read More »