
Tatiana and Sasha

You know this family from our previous episodes. The main problem they have is Tatiana is not old enough to be retired and she can’t find job in her village because there is simply almost no job. Also she has problems with health. Today she explained how they get to find food, clothes and warmth …

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Coal for Lyubov.

Today we have brought coal to Lyubov. After the last time we saw her she has had a stroke. Ever sinc she has lost some mobility. We hope she will get better soon. Thank you all for your care!


Thank you all for helping Nadezhda once again. Since the last time we visited her she had fallen and injured her arm. Thank you for helping her with coal!

How is Polina doing?

Today we have visited Polina to check on her to find out how is she doing. For those who missed previous episodes – we raised money to pay for her surgery to stretch her leg which he has shorter from her birth. Thank you all for your care!