
Lyudmila Vasilievna

This Lady is 73. She is a former ambulance paramedic. Her name is Lyudmila Vasilievna and she lives alone. Since she got this help she doesn’t have to save money on other things as she did before. Thanks to you!

Konstantin Pavlovich

Konstantin Pavlovich is 84, he is a former construction worker. His own house has been destroyed because of the artillery shelling. The place where he lives now is also not far away from the military positions. He is extremely grateful to you for this help!

Galina Georgievna

This is Galina Georgievna. She is 71 and she lives alone. She has a new heater which she uses now to heat up her house with the coal you gave her. She is very thankful. Thank you for helping her.

Lyubov and Victor

Lyubov is 83, Victor is 84. They used to burn their coal, sift the ash, add new coal and burn it again. She is retired good’s manager and he is a former coal miner who are very thankful to you for this huge support! Thank you all for participation!

Nina, 84 y.o.

Nina, 84 y.o. There was nothing here.. no bench.. nothing… You see those damaged bricks… such a great impact…there was no roof… none of the windows…They said “ you are lucky it didn’t explode”…I burn a bucket of coal a day. Of course I buy by bags because I can’t afford to buy the whole …

Nina, 84 y.o. Read More »

Tatiana and her mother

Tatiana and her mom who is 92 are another great example of your help to these people who live along the contact line. “Since my mom is deaf it’s easier for her to survive through shelling… Such a great help you gave us this year and the last one…” Huge thanks to all for participation.


Tatiana, 84 y.o. You remember her from the last year. She lives on the 75 square feet room given her by her friend. “There is nothing here that belongs to me. I’m afraid I’ll die on some other’s bed…”. Thank you all for helping her!