
Galina Prokofievna

This lady you remember from last year. Her name is Galina Prokofievna. She has major problem with health specifically high blood pressure. When we told her we would coming to her to bring her coal she was waiting for us long before our arrival. When we appeared she was so worried that her blood pressure …

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Lyudmila Vasilievna

This Lady is 73. She is a former ambulance paramedic. Her name is Lyudmila Vasilievna and she lives alone. Since she got this help she doesn’t have to save money on other things as she did before. Thanks to you!

Konstantin Pavlovich

Konstantin Pavlovich is 84, he is a former construction worker. His own house has been destroyed because of the artillery shelling. The place where he lives now is also not far away from the military positions. He is extremely grateful to you for this help!

Galina Georgievna

This is Galina Georgievna. She is 71 and she lives alone. She has a new heater which she uses now to heat up her house with the coal you gave her. She is very thankful. Thank you for helping her.